I was supposed to ask myself why I feel the way I do in certain circumstances. Question my reactions to situations and people. And really get down to the hardcore reasons behind my psyche. (hehe I used the word psyche).
Reading. Journalling. Blogging. Drawing.
Core Core Core.
So it's going to be 2010 soon! I'm quite dreading turning 24 next year. Even writing it out makes me shudder. God here I am open hands, open heart, with a pleasant scared smile on my face. Please use me and mold my life like playdough.
On another note I finally saw what a doodie looks like. Or wait what do they call them, other than 'joints'..doodie sounds cute so I'll say doodie. I have friends at school who are into this type of recreational activity. They are sweet guys but it kind of bothers me (only very slightly) when they call me 'innocent' for not having seen one before. Am I really naive and innocent? No I don't think of myself being that at all. I've travelled, and lived and experienced enough to be able to make what are seemingly wise decisions in my life. I never felt the need to try different things out but I know there's nothing stopping me from doing things either. I shrug my shoulders.
Anddd I think some punk kid just played nicky nicky nine doors on me. I walked all the way downstairs and opened the door to the empty street. I'ma get you kid. I'ma get you one day.
Anyways I'm going to reflect and reflect so I can make an epic end of year blogging entry to reflect all that I've learned and taken in this year! :)

A really cool art installation I found somewhere random on the net.
My dear, I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out what you're referring to when you say "doodie" and the best I can come up with is you're meaning to say "doobie".
Otherwise, please clarify what this really cute-sounding recreational activity is.
And please do share your thoughts and revelations as you new-wineskin your life!
lisa! i like that you're blogging again : )
"On another note I finally saw what a doodie looks like. Or wait what do they call them, other than 'joints'..doodie sounds cute so I'll say doodie. I have friends at school who are into this type of recreational activity. They are sweet guys but it kind of bothers me (only very slightly) when they call me 'innocent' for not having seen one before. "
lemme just say this... that whole part sounds like you hang out with kids who flung poo...and are trying to convince you to flung poo too.
isnt it fun reading what i wrote? strictly from a sounds point of vie...point of hear.
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