but I think I have a slight case of trypophobia.
Basically it is a phobia where one is afraid or discomforted by holes that are in clusters. This kind of sounds confusing but here are a few examples I found from another website:


I don't know what it is, but it slightly freaks me out. For some people it makes them feel sick to their stomach. I'm glad that I'm not of that case but still man, it's not pleasant to look at right?
On another note,
I recently bought a new blush.
I've been using NARS "Orgasm" for a while, and it is a nice blush, but I wanted something slightly different. (Not totally different, cause I still like those pinky colours)
So I bought the Diorshow Powder in "Catwalk Pink".
It's in this really cute case and it's really really nice. It looks really natural.
Totally recommend it!

AND on another note,
I've decided to step up and try out the position of Missions Director at my church. They basically look over the ministry of evangelizing and missions. BUT just to see whether this is where God wants me to be, I'm going to help out with Operation Joy. It is the second project from Operation Kindness that Taein through the B.A.S.I.C. group is hosting. It's very similar to Operation Christmas Child, but instead of making a shoebox filled with gifts for one child, it's making an entire family package of presents for one family. So it's kind of like 'adopting a family'.
First thing first is that I have to figure out how to fundraise money to buy the gifts that we as a church will decide on. I don't have too much fundraising experience but I do have some ideas. I will have to pray about it more. Nevertheless I am excited! I think I feel most alive in my faith when I am actively serving, so praise God!
my mom and sunmi have trypophobia i think.
they hate organized dots, so since holes kind of look like dots... i think... they must either be the same, or related phobias.
what REALLLY freaks them out is... have you ever made carnation pins for the mothers at your church for mothers day? flower shops give you leaves and baby's breath with carnations... and usually, for whatever reason... there are usually like... hundreds of these weird bumps on the underside of the leaves. and it just looks... HORRENDI.
yeah. its gross.
your first picture made me feel icky inside and i couldnt look at it for too long.
have you watched Communitychannel on youtube? she's this vlogger who is super cute and asian and AUSSIE, and she vlogged once about a saleslady who tried to sell her that orgasm blush. you should look it up, i think you'd enjoy it hahahahahaha
youtube--> communitychannel--> "orgasm blush and america"
HAHA shes totally loveable and funny, kind of like the funny that doesn't shine all the light on her funny, kinda like a danny version of a girl funny, hahaha but man i never really pondered to think about the orgasm blush and stuff, i just heard good reviews about it and bought it but now that i really think about it its so funny HAHAHA it makes u look like you just orgasmed, so so bad
i missed you SO MUCH tonight
check out my blog....
pretty much sums up my life right now.
love you.
(and look at my blogg!! just a couple days ago i posted a really gross hole-ey thing.. breast larvae.. hahahaha I KNOW its gross but click on it..)
im getting all grossed out just thinking bout it..
but im kind of excited that this has a name though :P
HAHAHAHAH i just read rachel's comment. whats so gross about holes?! what about bubble wrap?? and a pile of m&ms???? rows of oreo cookies?? and other delicious edible round-type things?
hey pizza. you know the video post on my wall, i admit you do look good. i love how you made that video to purposely catch my attention or something.
i underestimated make up power but remember make up isn't the answer!
hey, i just fixed up my blog. can you update it on the side? simply-soulful.blogspot.com
haha hi lisa! of course i remember you! =D
thanks for visiting and commenting on the blog! didn't know u had one too! cool! hahaha i want to chronicle my days like you do, and i've attempted, but so far.. it's a fail. i'm more of a pen and paper type person in this case i guess. hahah i just force myself to do this blog thing, cause it's the easiest way to promote yourself and keep track of your own progress =DD
it grosses me out... like... scary... T_____________Treally really scary...
nice article. I would love to follow you on twitter.
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