Last week I got to play with Grace, Esther, Deborah, and Ji!
It was such a well executed night of fun.
I hope we get to do it again!
The night started off with devouring a craving that some of us had: JJAM JJA MYUN! The best creation since the creation of jja jja myun and jjam bbong individually.
And THEN we decided to hit up the nrb, HOW I missed it (from Korea days). If I ever got one for Christmas I would never find a job because I would just stay home and sing for hours on end. (Oh wait I already do that). Anyways! Here is JI singing like an ANGEL!
And here is Esther, Grace, and Deborah who all took part! YES even Grace!!
And of course ms. Esther singing!! She sang the infamous 'Ken Lee', it was too great.
Then we decided to go to Soban for some yummy treats. I didn't know that their waffles would be half decent!
...for some reason the picture I took of Ji and the waffle is NOT working. bummer. and why are these pictures so small! oh well next time!
All in all it was a great night with some God-loving women. I hope we do movie night sometime and I hope at that movie night I can make someone play Hotel 626 with me! It's an online game that is apparently really scary and I'm too much of a wuss to play it by myself.
PS. Those cosmetic products+different types of boys+possible drastic hair colour change blogs are coming up so very soon...
je suis tres tres tres tres vraiment toute de suite jealouse
i am very very very very really right now jealous
MY HIGHLIGHTS DIDNT TURN OUT AS HARDCORE AS I WANTEDDDDD... like... they're very very very subtle. so much so they're invisible.
$145. :|
maybe i should not go chasing waterfalls... stick to the korean mi yong shils that im used to..... haha (get it... sing it to the tune of Waterfalls by TLC)
i am so unnie DEPRIVED here...
... and girlfriend deprived... except avril~
please post a picture of that whitish milkish greyish blackish teaish hair colour you spake of yesterday.
oh poor ashley^
i just found your blog lisa! (again?.. hahaa i think you gave it to me before) and then EVEN NOW i dont remember how i found it.. hahaha
anyways DRASTIC HAIR COLOUR CHANGE? what is this about? anything but asian orange please.
... i know you are wanting to be involved in social activism... coupled that with journalism and all that... i can really see you becoming an underground journalist speaking for those who need to be heard!
you like blogging, adding pictures.. and writing! good stuff seo.
I did NOT dye my hair drastically unfortunately!!! I realized that I would have to bleach my hair first in order to get that milk tea-like colour and i didn't want to do that! + it would be hard to maintain but I WILL ONE DAY, perhaps when i chop off all my hair! post a pic of ur highlights man! OHOH but i did dye my hair myself, its kinda red-brown (no horrid orange korean hair rach! no worries!)
hahaha JONGS are you referring to something i said to you but have forgotten about right now? or is that just a random nice comment? haha anyways thanks!
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